Drop off your samples for PCR and DNA analysis at any time in the new drop-off station located outside the Blue Analytics laboratory in Bergen. The samples arrive quickly and the analyses can start the next morning.

Flexible local delivery method
This drop-off station has been in high demand among local fish farmers who wish to submit samples for analysis every day of the year, regardless of Blue Analytics’ opening hours. Samples taken during the day can be brought by individuals who happen to be traveling from the facilities to Bergen in the afternoon or evening. This provides flexibility and ensures that the samples reach the right place and are stored at a cool temperature until the analyses can commence the next morning.
Health monitoring of farmed fish takes place both as part of routine procedures and during acute situations that may arise. It is crucial to take fish samples and promptly analyse them for the presence of specific viruses and bacteria to determine the possible cause of mortality.
Also, in the context of tracking escaped fish and running breeding programs, identifying or genotyping fish through DNA analysis may require quick answers. For those who have the opportunity for self-delivery, this drop-off station can expedite the initiation and completion of analyses compared to postal delivery.
How does the drop-off station work?
The box containing sample vials (Matrix box or equivalent) is placed in the drop-off station located on the outer wall of Blue Analytics’ premises on the north side of the Slippen building, facing the Puddefjord bridge (you can find the building’s address here). The drop-off station is marked “Prøvemottak Blue Analytics.”
From the drop-off point, there is a connection to a cooling unit where the samples are stored at the appropriate temperature (2-8°C). To open the door to the drop-off station, a code provided by Blue Analytics is required. Refer to the image below for the location of the drop-off station on the building.
Remember to label the boxes clearly with reference numbers and the number of boxes (x out of y boxes totally). The order form with reference numbers and the number of boxes should be provided with the samples, packed in a separate plastic bag. You can find the order form here.

Instructions for sample delivery:
- The drop-off station is located on the yellow wall on the north side of the Slippen building, next to the door marked “Varemottak” (see the yellow arrow).
- Obtain the code to open the drop-off station door by sending an SMS or calling +47 414 34 424 / +47 414 11 626.
- Enter the code on the panel on the door.
- When the green light turns on, turn the wheel (to the left of the buttons) clockwise.
- After the door is opened, place one box at a time into the opening or “hole”. Push the boxes into the channel that leads to the cooling unit on the other side of the wall.
- After the last box and order form have been submitted, close the door and turn the wheel counterclockwise to lock it.
Please call the numbers above if you need assistance with the delivery.