Bacteriology and MLVA

Bacteriological analyses can detect the presence of specific bacteria affecting fish health, welfare, or the environment.

Blue Analytics offers bacteriological analyses and sampling equipment. Feel free to contact us to discuss suitable culture media and sampling procedures. You can find the order form and a guide for sampling for bacteriology here.

In addition to classical bacteriology, we offer bacterial species identification using MALDI-ToF (Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization–Time-of-Flight mass spectrometry). MALDI-ToF is a technique used for rapid and specific identification of bacteria and fungi. We have a collaboration agreement with the Norwegian Veterinary Institute to perform these tests on behalf of Blue Analytics.

MLVA for Moritella viscosa

For Moritella viscosa, we can perform MLVA analyses to differentiate between various variants of the bacterium, often referred to as clonal complexes. This is important information for making the right choice of vaccine.

New farming methods such as RAS and non-medicated delousing have made health challenges related to bacterial agents more complicated. This has, among other things, highlighted the need for unregistered vaccine products against bacterial agents and possible agent typing.

Blue Analytics has the capability to store submitted isolates in a biobank for epidemiological studies or future production of farm- or area-specific vaccines (autogenous vaccines).

Contact person for bacteriology:

Bilde av kontaktperson for PCR-analyser
Øyvind Vågnes

Head of Diagnostics

Send e-mail

Call +47 414 11 626

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