Microsatellite analyses

Illustrasjon av basene i DNA som brukes i mikrosatellitt-analyse.

Microsatellite analysis is a versatile tool useful in determining genetic parentage and sibling relationships, as well as deeper demographic relationships. Microsatellites can be applied for pedigree verification, ploidy verification (in polyploid species), tracking and population genetics research. 

Microsatellites are short DNA sequences consisting of many repetitions of nucleotides, located at specific regions of the genome. By examining these highly polymorphic regions, we can accurately determine parent-offspring relationships, identify siblings within a population, and unravel complex familial connections. In population genetics, these markers facilitate the assessment of genetic diversity, population structure, and gene flow. 

At Blue Analytics, we leverage the power of microsatellite analysis to deliver precise and comprehensive solutions tailored to our clients’ specific needs, whether in aquaculture, agriculture, wildlife management, or beyond. Blue Analytics currently offers microsatellite analyses using optimised panels for Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, Atlantic cod, wolffish and lumpsucker. In addition, we can run publicly available panels or custom-design panels for other species upon request. 

Place an order for microsatellite analyses under Genomics here

Contact person for genomics:

Photo of contact person for tracking through DNA
Céleste Jacq

Head of Genomics

Send e-mail
Call +47 482 54 804

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